Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Garden of Character

First Harmelia showing some of the fruits of their Food for Life Garden

I was fortunate enough to be able to witness Mr Scott Teare's closing address at the 2015 Africa Scout Conference held in Kampala, Uganda.  In his very moving closing speech, Scott moved the audience with a visual description of his understanding of Scouting, which I would like to share with you below.  I hope you will be as inspired by my humble sharing of these words as we were by his sincere and frank presentation of them.

Mr Scott Teare (Secretary General, WOSM)
In Scott's own words:

"Scouting actually plants a "Garden of  Character".

No matter how small the space or the growing conditions - we can always plant a simple Garden of Character.

Here is my suggestion as a start of such a garden.

No garden would be complete without five Peas: Promptness, Preparedness, Politeness, Perseverance and Prayer.

I would also plant four Lettuces: Lettuce be Loyal, Lettuce be Helpful, Lettuce be Friendly and Lettuce love one another.

Perhaps some squash would be good too: Squash gossip, Squash criticism, Squash indifference and Squash prejudice.

And no garden would be complete without at least three Turnip's: Turnip with a smile, Turnip with new ideas, Turnip with real determination to do all we can to include as many young people as possible.

The harvest of such a garden will be tremendous!"

Scott finished his speech by reminding us all that:

"Today young people spell Love T-I-M-E.

They just want  a little of your time to help them feel love and have faith in them.
Thank you for giving TIME, for giving your love."

With inspirational leadership and a shared vision as encompassing as this, how can we but succeed in Scouting!