Sunday, September 18, 2011

Servant Leadership – an Oxymoron?

Many of us expect our leaders to be striking examples – people who stand atop the ridge and inspire us to follow them into flame and storm.  While we all seek strength and direction from our leaders perhaps we should first understand the purpose that the leader seeks to achieve. 

Robert Greenleaf in the 1970’s introduced a model of leadership he called servant leadership.  This model of leadership resonates with the teaching of all major religions ranging from Taoism’s  the way to Heaven is to benefit others and not to injure” to Christianity’s ”Just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” or the Islamic Hadithic text stating that “the best of men are those who are useful to others” and even the more recent business guru’s such as Jack Welch recognised that “before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

So how does it work?  Well according to Greenleaf there are two types of leaders;  servant-first and leader-first leaders,  the latter focus on their own importance and well-being, in that for them serving others is just a means to acquire a position or perceived importance.  For the former, serving is the primary objective and leadership is just a tool we use to facilitate serving others.  
Sounds challenging?  It can be…

So which type of leader are you as a scouter, Commissioner or merely in your day to day life?  For people working in the ”I-centric” leader first concept, leadership is about how to accumulate and wield power, how to make people do things. It is all about clever strategies, applying pressure, and manipulating people to get what you want, no matter the cost or impact on them.

If this is you, you will probably focus more on the acquisition of power rather than the application thereof.    And when you finally achieve that vaunted position, then your very fear of losing it will in most cases make you ineffectual, causing you to dominate and for want of a better word terrorise any who might challenge you. This not only undermines your team it also steal your greatest tool away.  Besides, if you really think about it in a volunteer organisation what is the worst you can do to your underlings? Perhaps ask them to leave and lose their volunteered services?  This hardly ranks up there with loss of income by being fired or the more dramatic applications of power by some historical leaders.

On the other hand the servant leader understands that success is based on merit and your ability to deliver the goods, and any power derived from perceived authority is merely a tool to further that success.  A servant leaders share powers to make use of the greatest skillset from the team to achieve any given task, be it training the new tenderfoot or mentoring the greybeard scouter in a new skill.    This is not abdication but delegation the nurturing of others in the necessary skills to make them more valuable and in the process more committed to the organisation.

Given your choice to volunteer to serve the youth, which of these models would you like your “superiors” to use, and given that answer what will you use with those you lead?

September Provincial Warrant's Issues

Our congratulations to the following Scouters on their new warrants and appointments:

Philip Jamie Smith                     22nd Pretoria S.S.          
Mark Anthony Welvering           6th St Andrews                                 
Keith Wilson                              Jan Smuts                      
Craig Hudson                            1st Rivertrail                            
Angus Fleming                          Rosebank
John Francis                             West Rand

We also thank the following members for their ongoing service and renewal of warrant or acceptance of new roles:

Marina Seintis                           1st Hellenic 
Christos Angelou                       1st Hellenic 
Antonio Correia                         1st Sao Jorge       
Marion Halstead                        1st Rivertrail         
Victoria Riley                            Eastleigh
Peter Constable                         1st St Benedicts   
Brendon Whelan                       Jan Smuts  
Jenny Duncan                           North Rand
Shane Gardiner                         9th Benoni
Belinda Enslin                           37 Springfield
Andrew Riddin                           37 Springfield
Klaus Geerthsen                        37 Springvale       
Edward John Watson                37th Springvale
Michael Dunstan                       Randpark Ridge
Douglas Seymore                      Rosebank
Adam Griffiths                          Rosebank

And welcome to the following members new to the Province:

Mark Colin Arrow                       1st Bryanston                          
Warren Michael Botten              1st Edenvale                                     
Dane Adam Nothling                 1st Edenvale                                     
Dru Matthew Conold                 1st Edenvale                                     
Suzanne Lamprecht                  1st Benoni S.S.                        

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Scouters: Managers or Leaders?

Peter F. Drucker claimed that, ”Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” 

As members of a volunteer organisation it is very easy to get lost in the Procedures, Rules and Regulations, and in so doing lose sight of the objective – as scouters this is easy for us as we have it defined for us as the contribution we make to the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of the youth in our care to become useful and contributing members of society. 

To that end when you plan and execute your next pack or troop meeting, do you try to develop a plan that has all of the elements you were train about on your warrant course, that has a formal opening and close, a game followed by a training exceciese, or do you look at the kids in your troop or pack and say what do they need and how can I best deliver them the experience that will give them the skills and growth opportunities to use those skills?

The former is management and the latter is leadership.  Your challenge as a scouter is to rise above the mediocre and deliver the products in the kids in your group.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August Provincial Warrant’s Issues

Our congratulations to the following Scouters on their new warrants and appointments:
Norman Doak                               3rd Kensington
Sarah Tobin                                  ADC (Admin) North West

And welcome to the following members new to the Province:
Amanda Bishop-Williams              Springs Central
Kesea Baker                                Springs Central
Guy Blackburn                             Springs Central
Rodney Baker                              Springs Central
Daryl McMaster                            40th Pretoria
Suzanne Lemprecht                      1st Benoni

We also thank the following members for their ongoing service and renewal of warrant or acceptance of new roles:
Ursula Louise Muller                      14th Delp
Harro Hans Tonsing                      14th Delp
Richard David Osmond                  Robin Hills
Carmen Rosa                                1st Fairlands
Harry Cubit                                   1st Lambton

Thursday, August 18, 2011

For better or for worse starting a Blog...

After several requests from Scouters in the Gauteng Province for some direct feedback via a forum like this I have finally decided to start blogging to provide people with updates on Scouting in the Province, the Country and Leadership in the Association.  I approach this project with a little trepidation, given that I know in advance that we will not always agree on points raised, that I will not be able to blog fresh information weekly and that my opinions may cause somewhat of a stir.

That all being said, my intention in starting the blog is to keep our youth, their parents and Scouters informed of the latest developments in the province, and of items that might affect them and requests for support and assistance in matters in the province.  In addition I hope to also provide some interesting thoughts and ideas to our members on Scouting, volunteerism and leadership in general