Saturday, August 27, 2011

Scouters: Managers or Leaders?

Peter F. Drucker claimed that, ”Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” 

As members of a volunteer organisation it is very easy to get lost in the Procedures, Rules and Regulations, and in so doing lose sight of the objective – as scouters this is easy for us as we have it defined for us as the contribution we make to the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of the youth in our care to become useful and contributing members of society. 

To that end when you plan and execute your next pack or troop meeting, do you try to develop a plan that has all of the elements you were train about on your warrant course, that has a formal opening and close, a game followed by a training exceciese, or do you look at the kids in your troop or pack and say what do they need and how can I best deliver them the experience that will give them the skills and growth opportunities to use those skills?

The former is management and the latter is leadership.  Your challenge as a scouter is to rise above the mediocre and deliver the products in the kids in your group.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August Provincial Warrant’s Issues

Our congratulations to the following Scouters on their new warrants and appointments:
Norman Doak                               3rd Kensington
Sarah Tobin                                  ADC (Admin) North West

And welcome to the following members new to the Province:
Amanda Bishop-Williams              Springs Central
Kesea Baker                                Springs Central
Guy Blackburn                             Springs Central
Rodney Baker                              Springs Central
Daryl McMaster                            40th Pretoria
Suzanne Lemprecht                      1st Benoni

We also thank the following members for their ongoing service and renewal of warrant or acceptance of new roles:
Ursula Louise Muller                      14th Delp
Harro Hans Tonsing                      14th Delp
Richard David Osmond                  Robin Hills
Carmen Rosa                                1st Fairlands
Harry Cubit                                   1st Lambton

Thursday, August 18, 2011

For better or for worse starting a Blog...

After several requests from Scouters in the Gauteng Province for some direct feedback via a forum like this I have finally decided to start blogging to provide people with updates on Scouting in the Province, the Country and Leadership in the Association.  I approach this project with a little trepidation, given that I know in advance that we will not always agree on points raised, that I will not be able to blog fresh information weekly and that my opinions may cause somewhat of a stir.

That all being said, my intention in starting the blog is to keep our youth, their parents and Scouters informed of the latest developments in the province, and of items that might affect them and requests for support and assistance in matters in the province.  In addition I hope to also provide some interesting thoughts and ideas to our members on Scouting, volunteerism and leadership in general