Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Nelson Mandela - A Scout for the World

This blog is about a man who for me epitomises the spirit and essence of volunteering and offering of service to a greater cause.  Mr Nelson Mandela.  A little known fact is that Mr Mandela is the Patron of Scouting in South Africa, and for many of us around the world he is a living example of the ethos of Scouting.

Some time ago Madiba appear on Oprah Extract from the Actual show with editorial comment from Oprah and made several statements that just brought this to the forefront.

The first was when on arriving at the studio he asked the Producer what the subject of the show he was to appear on was to be so that he could be prepared.   The Producer was amazed and said "Nelson Mandela,  you are the subject of today's show."   As a man who gave of himself his whole life, he could not conceive that anyone would want to dedicate an entire hour to talking about him.  He was only doing what he saw as a task he undertook to do.  His humbleness should be an challenge to us all in giving service without seeking
or expecting recognition. We work for the goal, not for the kudos.

The second statement he made on the show was "You have a limited time to stay on earth, you must try and use that period for the purpose of transforming your country into what you desire it to be."  Can there be a higher calling for any person but to spend your life your time and your energy to do just that.  As volunteers working with the youth, we have the ability to change the hearts and minds of the nation and that is no small responsibility.

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