Sunday, December 22, 2013

Photoshop your life

Hi my names Brendon and I am an amateur photographer!

I am.very concious of my amateur status especially when my humble offerings are compared to those of friends and family with a somewhat more artistic and skillful bent.   

But the one thing we all do with the advent of digital photography is "pixel push".  For those of you not into photography, this is the act of importing the picture into a piece of software and tweaking it  to look better.  Sometimes better means more realistic and sometimes not.

Which is pretty much the choice we all.have on a day to day basis.  Life, not unlike your camera, presents you with an experience that can turn out dull, overexposed or just plain wrong.  Your choice, before saving it to memory, is whether to tweak it, delete it or let it stand.

Covey famously called this opportunity to edit an experience "the space between action and reaction." 

You cannot always control what happens in your life but you can control how you remember the event and the impact thereof on what you do going forward. 

So photoshop away! Sometimes while you tweak the picture you will notice something incredible that you didn't intend to capture but was there waiting to be found.

Have fun and enjoy 2014!

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